Parallel Minds premieres in Brazil at South America’s largest genre festival - Fantaspoa International Fantastic Film Festival! Congratulations to the production team for bringing the vision to 35 international festivals!
In North America - Parallel Minds continues the festival circuit in US theatres at Panic Fest in Kansas City! Hats off to the programming committees for their excellent lineup. Virtual Passes for PanicFest still available for sale here:
Major thanks to all the festivals and their teams this year for the the premieres of Parallel Minds and the festival tour. We admire the absolute resilience these festivals have and what was achieved during these unprecedented times of Covid-19. Considering the countless closures, these organizations have proven the strength of screen culture and the international film industry to continue in the wake of the greatest adversity. Your bravery and dedication deserves a standing ovation.
•Fantaspoa International Film Festival - Brazil •Blood In The Snow Film Fest (CAN) •Calgary International Film Festival •American Indian Film Festival (USA) •Santa Fe Film Festival (USA) •Another Hole In The Head (USA)
•Native Spirit Film Festival (London, UK) •Revelation Perth International Film Festival (AUS)
•Maoriland Film Festival (NZ) •Salem Horror Fest (USA) •Celludroid Film Festival (South Africa)
•Phoenix Film Festival
•Red Nation Indigenous Film Festival (USA)
•International Horror & Sci-Fi Film Festival
•Fangofest (Spain) •Weengushk International Film Festival (Canada) •Chattanooga International Film Festival (USA) •Sacramento International Film Festival (USA) •Osaka International Film Festival (Japan)
•London Motion Pictures Awards •LUSCA Fantastic Film Festival of Puerto Rico •South Africa Horrorfest •Celludroid Fantastic Film Festival (South Africa) •Algeciras Fantastika Film Festival (Spain) •V Maderia Fantastic FilmFest •Cinéfest Sudbury International Film Festival •LA Sci-Fi Film Festival •Miami International Science Fiction Film Festival
•Motor City Nightmares International Film Festival •Twisted Dreams Fantastic Film Festival (USA) •Hamilton International Film Festival •Miami Independent Film Festival •San Pedro International Film Festival •North Bay Film Festival
and more
